When you have a large building to maintain, it can take a lot of time and manpower in order to keep everything in tiptop order, especially when it comes to the floors. People are always walking on them, so cleaning them can become cumbersome. Then comes the industrial scrubber. Commercial floor scrubbers, like our Clarke and Viper models, make the job of cleaning heavily used floors much easier than it would be otherwise. These are the benefits of investing in an industrial scrubber to handle your floor maintenance.
Quicker dry times. When you use a traditional mop and bucket to clean the floor, drying may take some time. A floor scrubber doesn’t use nearly as much water as a traditional mop, allowing floors to dry faster and preventing the risk of slips and falls.
Cleaning efficiency. These scrubbers have the power to remove grime, grease, and dirt that are traditionally very difficult to remove. In particular, a floor scrubber does its magic by spraying water and chemicals on the floor, scrubbing the dirt and grime away, and leaving a perfect shine in its wake.
Easier cleaning process. You will find a floor scrubber rather easy to operate – you can either push it from behind or ride it across the area to be cleaned, depending upon whether you have a push floor scrubber or a ride-on one. Either variety reduces the amount of effort that the operator has to exert and enables a larger surface area to be cleaned in a smaller amount of time, saving time and manpower.